Monday, February 9, 2009

What to do with your Magazines

For many of us with little time on our hands, we often find ourselves with lots of magazines around the house, many of which are unread and piling up in several corners. My best advice on this topic is to recycle them if they haven’t been read or touched in 3 or so months. If you can’t find time to read them in 3 months, when will you find time to read them in the near future? One of the principles I try to live by is to touch something once as soon as possible and then put it in its place. Since time is limited, I try to quickly flip through the magazine as soon as possible; tearing out the pages with articles I know I will enjoy reading later. These get filed in a sectioned file folder or equivalent and the rest of the magazine is recycled. Recipes should always be stored in a separate recipe file folder. If the magazine is packed with lots of great articles, I keep it since it has value to me.

We all receive free magazine subscriptions from time to time and we end up not really needing or enjoying it. Don’t waste your time with keeping these magazines around the house hoping you will change your mind some day and enjoy it. Recycle them and don’t renew the subscription. In most neighborhoods, especially if you live near a school, there are paper recycle bins. Bundle up the unread and untouched magazines and take a walk to the school to recycle them. You will feel much better without the clutter of all the magazines lying around the house once you do.

For those that you do enjoy and wish to keep, have a nice tall basket near a sitting chair, or in the bathroom or bedroom to keep the ones that are 3 months old or less. Once you have made time to read them, recycle them to make room for the new ones.

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