Thursday, March 5, 2009

Recycle Tip 101

Who likes to take the trash out? Wouldn't it be great if we could do it less often? The answer is simple. Recycle. I was recently speaking to a friend of mine about this concept and after discussing a plan that would work in her home, she suggested I post it on my blog.

First, all paper products should be placed in a plastic tub placed in the garage or other conspicuous location. Newspapers, magazines, envelopes from opened mail, junk mail, cereal boxes, cookie boxes, etc. are all candidates for paper recycling. Flatten out your boxes to create more space in your recycle tub. Take the tub to the neighborhood recycle bins once a week.

For paper, such as mail, letters, bills, etc. that has sensitive information on it, you might consider investing in a high quality shredder which is also placed in the garage and empties into your plastic tub for recycled paper.

Plastic containers and canned items, once rinsed out, can go into a garbage can stored in your pantry or other enclosed area. Most neighborhoods will pick this up weekly outside your home if placed in the recycle trash bags purchased at the grocery stores.

Once you start practicing these great recycle habits, you will be happy about the reduced number of trips to the outside garbage can! Plus you're helping to save the environment.

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