Thursday, March 12, 2009

Too Much Social Networking? That Depends...

Facebook, My Space, Linkedin, Twitter are all popular social networking tools. There seems to be no end to this growing trend. Some people think it's too much and could be keeping us away from other important activities. My opinion is each serves a unique purpose that can lead to relationship building, continuous learning, a good laugh and even some efficiency. But like all good things, it too can be abused and take people away from what's important like their families. Here are some reasons I believe they are good tools.

Linkedin - Everyone that knows me understands I am an avid user and fan of Linkedin. I view this tool as a way to stay in touch with professional colleagues, to advertise yourself or your business, to find business contacts, and to find answers to business related questions through the numerous professional groups found on this network. You can also look for jobs on Linkedin.

Facebook is a great tool to stay in touch with long lost friends. Simply create a profile, and your high school reunion committee will find you. This tool is dependant on an invitation being accepted by the other before the relationship begins just like Linkedin. Facebook is efficient for posting family information such as vacation pictures or your children's accomplishments. This is far more efficient than sending eMails and managing e:mail addresses. Facebook also contains professional profile information and groups that can be joined. Facebook is likely to replace Linkedin in the far future due to the higher number of users especially with the younger population.

Twitter is somewhat new to the social networking scene and very different from the others. It's not dependant on acceptance of invitations. Anyone can follow anyone. It's limited to a tag line of 140 spaces in each post. Businesses are now creating profiles which you can follow and read their headlines. You choose to follow those who you wish to follow whether this be friends, organizations, subject matter experts in any field, publishers or like minded individuals who share comments of interest to you. For instance I follow news publications and process improvement groups and individuals who are publishing articles, comments, blogs, etc. of interest to me. Interesting way to find information. out!

Learning and keeping in touch are my primary reasons for using these tools. I find value in them because they are free, easy to use, and have huge payoffs. Once you are connected you will eliminate wasteful activities of maintaining contact lists and searching for people you use to know or work with. Not to mention, reading some of your friends' posts are a great way to laugh a little at the end of a stressful day. And we all need more laughter!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Recycle Tip 101

Who likes to take the trash out? Wouldn't it be great if we could do it less often? The answer is simple. Recycle. I was recently speaking to a friend of mine about this concept and after discussing a plan that would work in her home, she suggested I post it on my blog.

First, all paper products should be placed in a plastic tub placed in the garage or other conspicuous location. Newspapers, magazines, envelopes from opened mail, junk mail, cereal boxes, cookie boxes, etc. are all candidates for paper recycling. Flatten out your boxes to create more space in your recycle tub. Take the tub to the neighborhood recycle bins once a week.

For paper, such as mail, letters, bills, etc. that has sensitive information on it, you might consider investing in a high quality shredder which is also placed in the garage and empties into your plastic tub for recycled paper.

Plastic containers and canned items, once rinsed out, can go into a garbage can stored in your pantry or other enclosed area. Most neighborhoods will pick this up weekly outside your home if placed in the recycle trash bags purchased at the grocery stores.

Once you start practicing these great recycle habits, you will be happy about the reduced number of trips to the outside garbage can! Plus you're helping to save the environment.